Friday 13 January 2012

The Humble Spud

Agh the humble spud, the most versatile, under appreciated member of the vegetable kingdom. Time you give it the respect it deserves and out it back on top where it rightly belongs!
Everyone has there own way of baking potatoes, but I find the most effective was is to spike it with a sharp knife into the centre, sit it on layer of salt in a baking tray and bake it for 2hrs in a preheated oven @ 405f. The salt draws the moisture out of your potato and leave you with a crispy jacket and a light fluffy potato centre. It is the ultimate in versatile snack food, that you can fill with whatever you like!

This version is my favourite...

Caramelised onion, blue cheese and bacon
Bake your potato- scoop out the insides, mix with caramelised onions, bacon, a bit of cream cheese, blue cheese and salt and pepper to taste. Put back in the oven until warm and gooey.

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