Friday 20 January 2012

Drunken Chicken Curry

When people think curry the think spicy…then it's usually associated with beer to reduce the spice heat. So I thought to myself why not combine the two?! So I came up with my drunken chicken curry! Perfect for those of you who can't quiet take the heat!

1 x onion
1 x red pepper
1 x green pepper
1 x clove of garlic (crushed)
1 x chili (deseeded and finely chopped)
1 x inch of ginger (grated)
1 x chicken breast (cut into strips)
1 x lime (zest and juice)
2 cups of lager
1 cup of double cream

Finely slice your onion and peppers and put in a pan on medium heat, add your garlic, chili, ginger and zest, sweat for 6-8 minutes without colouring. Remove the onion mix from the pan, reheat your pan to medium-high and sear your chicken strips until golden brown. Add your lime juice, beer and onion/pepper mix at this point, bring to a simmer before adding your cream, reduce by halt or until sauce thickens. add cilantro, check seasoning and you're ready to go! Perfect with egg noodles or fluffy basmati rice.

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