Tuesday 19 July 2011

Balcony Farming

I come from a small village in Ireland (RP), it is tiny and wonderful, I grew up fishing and gardening and constantly having fresh produce grown in my own backyard so living in the city always proves to be more difficult because I miss those things. However, I have discovered the joys of being a balcony farmer! The missus and I have a small farm on the balcony where we've been growing strawberries (or Strawbabies as we sometimes refer to them- one domestic step at a time, if we can keep these alive we'll graduate to a goldfish) peppers, tomatoes, spinach, peas and chili's.  

We planted a little late because we spent the first part of the summer in Ireland so some things aren't as far along as they should be this deep into summer. We've had to contend with city pigeons but I think we've conquered them (stay tuned for pigeon pie recipe) but otherwise it's coming along nicely. Today we picked our first strawberries! (we were such proud parents).

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